.. _ocadevicetimemanager: 1.3.10 OcaDeviceTimeManager ============================ Class Hierarchy: :ref:`OcaRoot ` :raw:html:`→` :ref:`OcaManager ` :raw:html:`→` :ref:`OcaDeviceTimeManager ` .. cpp:class:: OcaDeviceTimeManager: OcaManager Manager that allows controlling and monitoring a device's time-of-day clock, and that collects the device's time source objects. - Must be instantiated once in every device that has more than one time source object. In this context, a "time source object" is an instance of **OcaTimeSource** or a subclass of it. - If instantiated, object number must be 10. Note: The clock value is accessible via Get and Set methods, but has not been defined as a public property because its value is volatile and should not cause property-change events. The current value of the **OcaTimeSource** object designated by the **CurrentDeviceTimeSource** property of this Manager is known as the **Device Time** . The property **TimeSources** was added in version 2 of this class. **Properties**: .. _ocadevicetimemanager_classid: .. cpp:member:: static const OcaClassID ClassID = "1.3.10" Number that uniquely identifies the class. Note that this differs from the object number, which identifies the instantiated object. This property is an override of the **OcaRoot** property. This property has id ``3.1``. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_classversion: .. cpp:member:: static const OcaClassVersionNumber ClassVersion = 2 Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the **OcaRoot** property. This property has id ``3.2``. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_timesources: .. cpp:member:: OcaList TimeSources The list of ONos of OcaTimeSource objects in this device This property has id ``3.1``. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_currentdevicetimesource: .. cpp:member:: OcaONo CurrentDeviceTimeSource The current time source for this device's device time, or zero if none. This property has id ``3.2``. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_devicetimeptp: .. cpp:member:: OcaTimePTP DeviceTimePTP The current device time. Defined as a private property so that clock updates don't generate property-change events. This property has id ``3.0``. Properties inherited from :ref:`OcaRoot `: - :cpp:texpr:`OcaONo` :ref:`OcaRoot::ObjectNumber ` - :cpp:texpr:`OcaBoolean` :ref:`OcaRoot::Lockable ` - :cpp:texpr:`OcaString` :ref:`OcaRoot::Role ` **Methods**: .. _ocadevicetimemanager_getdevicetimentp: .. cpp:function:: OcaStatus GetDeviceTimeNTP(OcaTimeNTP &DeviceTime) Get current value of device time-of-day clock in NTP format. Return value indicates whether value was successfully retrieved. This method is _optional_ and _deprecated_ . This method has id ``3.1``. :param OcaTimeNTP DeviceTime: Output parameter. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_setdevicetimentp: .. cpp:function:: OcaStatus SetDeviceTimeNTP(OcaTimeNTP DeviceTime) Sets device time-of-day clock in NTP format. Return value indicates whether value was successfully set. Not available if a time source is identified in property CurrentDeviceTimeSource. This method is _optional_ and _deprecated_ . This method has id ``3.2``. :param OcaTimeNTP DeviceTime: Input parameter. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_gettimesources: .. cpp:function:: OcaStatus GetTimeSources(OcaList &TimeSourceONos) Returns list of object numbers of OcaTimeSource instances in this device. Return value indicates whether list was successfully retrieved. This method has id ``3.3``. :param OcaList TimeSourceONos: Output parameter. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_getcurrentdevicetimesource: .. cpp:function:: OcaStatus GetCurrentDeviceTimeSource(OcaONo &TimeSourceONo) Retrieves ONo of current time source object, or zero if none. Return value indicates whether value was successfully retrieved. This method has id ``3.4``. :param OcaONo TimeSourceONo: Output parameter. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_setcurrentdevicetimesource: .. cpp:function:: OcaStatus SetCurrentDeviceTimeSource(OcaONo TimeSourceONo) Sets ONo of current time source object, or zero if none. Return value indicates whether value was successfully retrieved. This method has id ``3.5``. :param OcaONo TimeSourceONo: Input parameter. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_getdevicetimeptp: .. cpp:function:: OcaStatus GetDeviceTimePTP(OcaTimePTP &DeviceTime) Get current value of device time-of-day clock in PTP format. Return value indicates whether value was successfully retrieved. This method has id ``3.6``. :param OcaTimePTP DeviceTime: Output parameter. .. _ocadevicetimemanager_setdevicetimeptp: .. cpp:function:: OcaStatus SetDeviceTimePTP(OcaTimePTP DeviceTime) Sets device time-of-day clock in PTP format. Return value indicates whether value was successfully set. Not available if a time source is identified in property CurrentDeviceTimeSource. This method has id ``3.7``. :param OcaTimePTP DeviceTime: Input parameter. Methods inherited from :ref:`OcaRoot `: - :ref:`OcaRoot::GetClassIdentification(ClassIdentification) ` - :ref:`OcaRoot::GetLockable(lockable) ` - :ref:`OcaRoot::LockTotal() ` - :ref:`OcaRoot::Unlock() ` - :ref:`OcaRoot::GetRole(Role) ` - :ref:`OcaRoot::LockReadonly() `